Project Details
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
Monash University
About the research
The objective of BTS-24 is to develop a practical toolkit that can help redefine stakeholder engagement during the development of safety plans, interventions, programs, projects, and policies, so that outcomes focus on multi-solving decision-making and implementation. The desired outcomes are to develop a guide to promote and facilitate diverse, cross-sectoral groups to collaborate on multi-solving decision-making and implementation.
The team has broken this down into three specific goals:
- Explain the Safe System and multi-solving: Provide background informational materials that help practitioners such as planners, engineers, and law enforcement officers understand their occupational roles in the Safe System and multi-solving transformation
- Make safety a fundamental part of the planning process: Identify data sources, analysis tools, and techniques that support Safe System and multi-solving approaches applicable to various stages of the safety planning, policy development, and implementation processes, and provide information on how these resources can support integrating safety with agency workflows
- Support interdisciplinary collaboration: Develop frameworks (and supporting tools or templates) to facilitate interdisciplinary local safety reviews designed to support broader crosscutting safety, transportation, health, environmental, and social goals