Tom McDonald
About the research
To address safety concerns on Marion County Road T15 from Old Highway 5 (Attica Road) in Knoxville to County Road G28 west of Pella, Iowa, the county engineer requested a road safety audit (RSA). An audit team conducted the review on December 16, 2010 through a program supported by the Office of Traffic and Safety at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT).
The audit team examined 2001-2009 crash data for the entire length of roadway and divided the examined section into five segments for individual analysis Audit team members also conducted field observations of the roadway in both directions in daylight and at night. Intersections with the most serious and frequent crashes were also examined individually.
This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway. It also includes field review photos, crash maps, crash data, and intersection crash diagrams.