Event Details
Cass County Community Center
805 W. 10th St
Atlantic, IA
May 21, 2024
Registration/check-in begins at 8:00 am
Workshop begins at 8:30 am
6 Credit Hours
Event Contact
Motor Grader Operator (MoGO) training is a one or two day program led by experienced operators who teach others efficient and safe operating practices.
Classroom session. The session which includes Instruction and presentations, primarily focuses on blading techniques for different tasks, roadway/roadside cross section elements, safety, and equipment. Participants are often from several cities or counties, which promotes discussion and exchange of ideas and techniques.
Optional field session.- For those new operators attending a classroom session in 2024 there will be an opportunity to work one on one with an instructor the week of July 29 – August 2 . This training will take place on closed gravel roads at the Iowa National Guard Base – Camp Dodge in Johnston. Participants will learn the basic operation of a grader including moldboard pitch, blade angle, articulation, adjustments needed for proper roadway crown, shoulder work, aggressive balding techniques and the importance of pre-trip inspections. Details are still in development and more information concerning this field day event will be sent to all cities and counties that have participants registered for a classroom session.
Who should attend?
This training is designed for motor grader operators and their supervisors.
New operators find the training helpful, and experienced operators say it is a good refresher course. Supervisors learn about new developments and operating techniques.
Course participants should be familiar with basic equipment operations prior to attending.
Each MoGO program is taught by a team of two instructors who have had extensive on the job experience operating motor graders. During the classroom portion of the program, the instructors answer questions, promote group discussion, and share their own expertise.
For More Information
If you have questions about workshop content, contact Paul Albritton, Technical Training Coordinator, 515-294-1231, palbritt@iastate.edu