Sep 11

2024 Iowa Streets and Roads Conference – Vendors

Event Details

Des Moines, Iowa


Holiday Inn Des Moines Airport
6111 Fleur Dr
Des Moines, IA 50321


September 11, 2024


Set up on 9/10 | 3:00 to 7:00 pm OR
Set up on 9/11 | before 7:30 am

Event Contact
Sherrie LaFleur
InTrans, Iowa LTAP

Conference Description

The Iowa Streets and Roads Conference provides vendors with the opportunity to showcase and demonstrate their products. Attendees will primarily be maintenance supervisors and others responsible for maintaining streets and roadways, procuring related equipment and materials, and managing administrative functions. See below for the agenda.

Display and Setup Information

The display areas consist of an 8′ x 10′ indoor space with an 8′ table and two chairs. NOTE: Vendors may register for a maximum of two spaces. Outdoor equipment will not be allowed this year and the deadline to request indoor equipment spaces has passed. If you did request equipment space prior to the deadline, Beth will contact you about how to book those spaces.

Click here for the the vendor rules and regulations.


Rooms are available at the Holiday Inn Des Moines Airport for $110 plus tax. Call the hotel directly at 515-287-2400 and mention Streets & Roads to book your room at the block rate by August 20.


Registration prior to the event is required and are due by August 26. Any registration canceled by August 26 will receive a full refund. After that, no refunds will be made.

Location assignment in the vendor space is based on a first come, first served basis. Please be understanding and patient with us as we work on a new layout for the new location.

Door Prizes

Door prizes will be given out on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Vendors can bring door prize donations to the registration area during the conference.

Become a Reception Sponsor

Vendor sponsorship of the evening reception is encouraged. The bronze sponsorship is $300, silver is $550, and gold is $1,100. Please note your desire to be a sponsor when registering, and we will provide you with additional information. Thank you for your donation!

Tentative Agenda

Conference | Wednesday, September 11, 2024

TimeEvent Details
8:00 a.m.Registration
8:30 a.m.Welcome and Association Updates
8:45 a.m.Keynote Speaker - David Atkins
9:45 a.m.Break/Vendor Time
10:30 a.m.Current Practices in Water Snow Policies
11:15 a.m.Technology in Public Works: ICEA Service Bureau Update
12:00 p.m.Lunch/Vendor Time
1:15 p.m.Roadside Vegetation Programs 101
2:00 p.m.Break/Vendor Time
2:45 p.m.Culvert Rehabilitation and Grout Stabilization
3:30 p.m.CDL Entry-Level Driver Training Discussion
4:00 p.m.Door Prizes
4–6 p.m.Vendor Time/Social Gathering


If you have questions or need more information, please contact Sherrie LaFleur.