Event Details
Storm Lake
Fee – Free
April 25, 2019
Registration begins at 8:00 am
Workshop begins at 8:30 am
Event Contact
This free workshop is a one-day training session designed to provide participants with the tools and knowledge to help evaluate safety issues and select appropriate low cost safety improvements. It is a comprehensive presentation of low-cost, ready-to-use improvements that enhance the safety of roads and highways. It additionally provides background on the crash mitigation process including both conventional and systemic network screening. Various data sources to evaluate roadway safety are also discussed. A synthesis of countermeasures and examples of their associated crash reduction factors (CRFs) are identified from Iowa’s upcoming CRF list, the CMF Clearinghouse, or other relevant publications. Countermeasures for specific areas including roadway segments and curves, roadsides, unsignalized, and signalized intersections are presented.
The workshop covers low cost safety improvements and case studies for:
- Roadway segments and curves,
- Roadsides,
- Unsignalized intersections, and
- Signalized intersections
Who Should Attend?
- Traffic and safety engineers
- County and city engineers
- Highway decision makers
- Design consultants
Tentative Workshop Agenda
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Safety Data, Analysis & Use
Roadway Curve and Segments
Roadway Curve and Segments or Roadsides Exercise
12:00 p.m.
Lunch (provided)
12:45 p.m.
Unsignalized Intersections
Signalized Intersections
Unsignalized or Signalized Intersection Exercise
3:00 p.m.
For More Information
If you have questions or need more information, please contact David Veneziano at 515-294-5480 or dvenez@iastate.edu